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Main » 2010 » July » 20
Ok I discovered that if you start a new game, the teleporter for the car won't work

After some smart thinking, I figured out, that I always tested this with saved games.
So I just started a new game, and it did not work.
After a couple missions, it still wouldn't work.

After I restarted and loaded my saved game it suddenly worked.

So here is what to do:

1. Start a new game.
2. Do a mission (I did the first and the second one)
3. It will save automaticly, if not, SAVE!
4. Restart game.
5. Load game.

If it still isn't working (Win7)
Try setting the compability mode to Windows Vista

PS: I think only Windows 7 has this strange kinda workaround, because it did work on vista (no matter if you started a new game).
But if Windows XP / Windows Vista users experience this same issue, please reply

If this helped, it woud proof the stability of the trainer
Views: 3508 | Added by: WhiteSnoop | Date: 20-Jul-2010 | Comments (0)